Sunday 4 March 2012

Michael Wesch

1) Sum up Michael Wesch's main point about the web (or Youtube in particular) in one paragraph.
Wesch describes web 2.0 as a way of linking people together in a way that they haven't been linked before. He believes that the media is creating the concept of mediating human relationships. He states that between 1948-2008, for every hour is equivalent to 1.5 million hours of programming and 'Youtube' have created more than this amount within the last six months, thanks to normal citizens. Over 9000 hours of programming is uploaded within a day.He states that the main purpose for Youtube was to enable citizens to contribute and upload.It can be seen as a celebration of a new type of community that we have never witnessed before. 

2)Network Individualism: Although you as an individual is talking to a webcam which makes you feel lonely and slightly crazy, you create a community with viewers you don't know as they find somehow to relate to you.

The Invisible Audience Phenomenon: An individual who uploads materials online is unaware of their target audience and who watches them at a certain time. Therefore they create this idea of an invisible audience as if they could see you but you couldn't see them.

Context Collapse: The idea of never knowing where and when one will be filming you.

3) On the whole, do you agree? Why?
The concept put forward by Wesch is valid as it allows people to communicate visually in a whole new level. I believe that people who are considered loners are able to communicate without worrying about what people make think. However, it creates issues as people may be role-playing and consumers may be mislead as to who the producer actually is. 

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